Last Sunday around 7:30pm, I noticed a low-lying cloud formation swirling around, morphing over the downtown sky.
Clouds over downtown Vancouver - May 10, 2009
It almost resembled an inverse bubble bath, with big air bubbles trapped in foam. The texture was pretty darn cool and I couldn't resist snapping a few photos from my 22nd floor window.

After an hour, the cloud formation mellowed out and reverted back to an anonymous grey of an overcast sky.
These photos are wonderful! Love your header :)
What an amazing sight! Thank you for sharing!!
Great cloud shots, such definition in your pictures. They look like what I think are called mamma (mammatus) clouds, a sign of thunderstorms. thanks for visiting my blog. Glad you enjoyed your visit to the Sunshine Coast. Next time keep on heading north and visit us in Powell River. We have lots of beautiful country to explore. - Margy
Very strange formation. Never saw such clouds before. thanks for sharing.
Not to sound creepy, but do you live in the 501 building? We used to have a place on the 25th floor, and the view looks very, very similar.
It looks like giant bubblewrap descending from the heavens.
Wow, I can't believe I never responded to these comments before!
Thanks everyone, and I apologize for the delay!
Darren - it's not creepy at all. No, I don't live in the 501 building, but over on Homer and Drake. So same area pretty much.
Cool this just happened where i live (or something similar at least >.>) it disappeared now tho :( I shoulda taken a picture
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