I can't believe it's New Year's Eve!
It's the last day of 2009, of the 2000's decade.
Being a 1980 baby means that when decades come to a close, so does a significant chapter of my life. Tonight I say goodbye to the decade of my 20's, and I say hello to the decade of my 30's. Eep! But I'm so ready for this. I've been ready for my thirties for, well, a decade. Or so it feels that way.
Speaking of decades and New Year's and parties, last night myself, my significant other, and two of our friends had a really nice dinner at Bistro Sakana in Yaletown where we chowed down on some tasty sushi rolls. After 3 bottles of sake we closed the place down and popped into Opus Bar for a late night drink. (Sadly, no celebrity sightings this time at Opus.)
Not fully satisfied with calling it a night, we then brought everyone over to our apartment where it turned into a spontaneous jam session with guitars, a djembe and my old violin! We blasted music by the Pixies, the xx, the Frames, and Yo La Tengo, and even had our first ever noise complaint from a neighbour. Way to go, us. (Not really). My sister and her boyfriend ended up crashing on the couch, and when I woke up this morning to go to an unfortunately-timed hair appointment, I was astounded by the permeating smell of wine.
It's certainly a unique way to celebrate the last 24 hours of the decade that represents your twenties. And it's funny... when I look back on the decade, what are things that immediately come to mind?
Graduated from what was then-called CDIS (multimedia college)
First ever contract work doing multimedia and graphics
Started my first real full time job editing websites for an ISP
Turned 20 years old and subsequently hung out with 30+ year olds
Started my own personal website (robynh.com) which I handcoded
Rang in the new year with friends at Jupiter Lounge
Waited all day to get into the heart-shaped catwalk of the U2 Elevation tour
Saw U2 outside and met Adam Clayton
Got laid off for the first time (dot.com bubble burst)
Went to Luvafair for the first time (and subsequently got addicted to that place)
Attended many Clubvibes.com meets around town
Internship at special effects studio at Lions Gate Studios in North Van
Started working in retail part time
9-11, the eery silence by the airport and all the sight of dozens of flight attendants on Robson
Skied Whistler for the first time
Received my first-ever digital camera
Rang in the new year on a boat cruise
Travelled to Boston and NYC
Attended wedding at the Harvard Law Faculty Club
Started my undergrad degree at UBC
Saw Queen Elizabeth II at UBC
First legit photojournalist shoot (Neko Case at the Commodore)
Started a Livejournal account and blogged all my personal details to strangers
Rang in the new year in a condo around Jervis & Alberni with friends
Attended anti-war protests in the streets of Vancouver
Travelled to Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebec City
Got my first-ever cell phone (whee!)
Worked at Vancouver Whale Watch all summer
Radiohead/REM show at Thunderbird Stadium
Volunteered at the Vancouver Folk Fest
Joined a band and played the Arts Club Backstage Lounge
Joined Friendster = devoured (and exponentially expanded) my social circle
Reacquainted myself to video games via Morrowind
Quit retail job and started working at UBC's IT department
Rang in the new year at a crazy East Van house party
Played in a few joke bands
Befriended a good chunk of the Vancouver video game industry
Pixies at the Commodore + attended/photographed dozens of other concerts
Road trip from hell to Coachella (Pixies, The Cure, Kraftwerk, Radiohead)
Met Josh (my significant other) on the eve of my 24th birthday
Met Josh's family in Montreal (and experienced my first "Canadian" winter)
Rang in the new year at a party in Josh's old loft in Montreal's Old Port
Moved out of Steveston and into Yaletown
Spent my 25th birthday at the Empress Hotel in Victoria
My 20 year old cat, Curvette (which I received as a gift from my Nana on my 5th birthday) died on my 25th birthday
Travelled to Montreal for another taste of -25 Celsius
Rang in the new year quietly in Josh's old loft in Montreal's Old Port
Graduated from my undergrad at UBC (BA Major Geography, Minor Art History, woo!)
Worked at Tourism Vancouver for a summer
My old 91 Hyundai Scoupe died and I became officially carless
Volunteered as a student teacher at local high schools
Went back to UBC as an unclassified student to figure things out
Reluctantly joined Facebook
Rang in the new year in Steveston at sister's friend's boyfriend's parents' house (seriously) in the hot tub - my hair smelled like cedar.
Completed my extra year at UBC
Quit my job at UBC IT
Worked doing GIS for a mining startup company
Spoke at my first conference (international tourism conference)
Rang in the new year at my friends Pierre & Christine's silver & gold party in Strathcona
Quit job doing GIS
Started working as a tour coordinator for a budget tour company
Travelled to the Rockies, San Francisco, and Seattle for work purposes
Josh's parents visit Vancouver for the first time
Got laid off for the second time in my life (dying economy)
Travelled to the Mayan Riviera, Mexico
Reluctantly joined Twitter
Started this blog as a way to wean myself off travel forums (didn't work)
Spent 3 weeks in Montreal and the Laurentiens - first Christmas away from home
Rang in the new year with friends at Restaurant YoYo in Montreal's Plateau district
Started my current job at a software company
Got promoted at work
Bought my first ever new car (black Honda Civic EX-L sedan)
Spend epic summer nights with good friends
Started to seriously improve my photography
Looking back at this list, my 2000's or my 20's, however you look at it, represent self-discovery and adulthood... coming to grips with what I want to do with myself career-wise vs. passions I've wanted to pursue (university education, music, photography, etc). I still don't have all the answers, but I'm more sure of myself as a person.
So on New Year's Eve on December 31, 2009, goodbye twenties, you were fun. Hello thirties! It should be an interesting next decade, that's for sure.
Robyn - your blog is just so good - and I so know what you meant about waiting to be in your 30s for all of your 20s - I was exactly the same - couldn't wait to be in my 30s - thanks for keeping this blog - for me (a complete Vancouverphile) its an insight into living a Vancouver life and I love it.
wow that must be quite a change mentally! but I mean, being in the 30's is just like in the 20's ;)
Happy new year Robyn!
Happy New Year Sam and Sue!
Sam, it'll be a change mentally for sure... I still have 6 months to go before I turn 30.
Sue, thanks for the kind comments - glad to have a fan of my blog. :)
Grats on the Honda ;)
Thanks! :)
Robyn congratulations!!
Your blog is the best!
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