This has to be one of the sunniest Decembers so far on record, and it doesn't look like it's stopping any time soon! Check out the Google weather forecast for this week:

Sure, it's cold enough to snow, but hey... there's a local snow paradox. When it's cold enough to snow in Vancouver, there aren't any clouds. When the clouds come back, the temperatures warm up above freezing and it rains.
I wonder what the weather will be like during the Olympics?
It sue is cold, although doesn't seem to be the case from the katkam pic. :)
Canadian winters can be deceiving that way. :) Often the coldest days are often the sunniest!
Wow, that sure looks inviting even though it's freezing. I'm sitting her in San Francisco where it's normally in the 60's and it's hit a high today of 45 F. We are spoiled and used to having warmer weather :)
It seems like most of us on the west coast are experiencing a colder-than-normal cold spell. 45 F? That's... that's around 7 Celsius. See, that's more like it. That's a typical Vancouver winter, hehe!
When I used to live in Vancouver I'd rationalise the rain by saying the beauty you have during the few days of sunshine more than make up for it.
Now that I live thousands of miles away I sometimes miss it terribly, and for that reason avoid the katkam's too painful sometimes!
- ian in hamburg
interesting blog
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