Saturday, February 7, 2009

Vancouver this past winter

It's the end of the first week of February, and we've been having excellent mild temperatures of around 5 to 7 degrees Celsius (or the low 40's for those of you who read in Fahrenheit). It hasn't been rainy during the day, but instead there has been a nice mix of sun and clouds... and not low-lying grey clouds, but cirrus clouds - the natural light has a welcoming brightness. It's actually fairly spring-like, and if you take notice, you can see a few inches of daffodil greenery emerging from the ground. It's a nice contrast compared to the crazy cold weather we experienced back in December followed by the weeks of fog in January. Because the weather was so unsual for us, it was well-documented by local residents.

Here is one of my favourite photo documentaries of Vancouver from December 2008 until January 2009. It was taken by a local named Jeremy whose photos I stumbled upon on the Skyscraperpage. Writes Jeremy,

"To say Vancouver's winter so far has been crazy is an understatement. We've had record snowfalls, record cold temps and most recently, fog for like 20 days straight.

Here are some pictures that not only show some snow but just some general photos I have taken of Van since the day the snow first started flying. Sure, other parts of Canada have had it much worse, but for Vancouver, this winter is a rarity and spring will be welcomed with wide open arms by all."

He gave me permission to showcase his photo documentary on my blog which you can see in its entirety here. Here's just a taste...


  1. Gosh!!! I live in the midwest. How do you keep warm up north? That guy in shorts is shocking.

  2. It's usually warmer here in Vancouver than in the midwest, not because we're located on the 49th parallel, but because we have the Pacific ocean currents keeping us "warm". If it wasn't for the Pacific ocean warming the air, we'd be frozen all winter. Instead, we normally get rain. If you're familiar with Seattle's winter weather, Vancouver's is identical.

    The guy in the shorts is pretty funny, isn't he? ;)

  3. I found you! Its Erin, I met you at Micah and Steph's party this weekend. The funny thing is I've totally read your blog before. Great stuff honey and it was great meeting you too!

  4. nice photographs.nice article.

  5. Wow that soo looks like Toronto in winter, except I recognise it as Vancouver!?!
